If you’re active in the world of e-commerce marketing, it’s important to keep up with the latest industry trends and statistics.

But this is usually easier said than done.

Finding genuinely useful statistics can feel like trying to find a very tiny needle in an enormous e-commerce haystack. 

So we thought we’d lend a hand. We’ve collected 97 e-commerce marketing statistics that can help to inform your future store campaigns and enhance your wider business strategies. 

Grab a brew and get comfortable, because it’s time to absorb some golden nuggets of industry knowledge. 

Social Media Statistics

1. Online stores with a social media presence have an average of 32% more sales than those that don’t. (Source: BigCommerce

Maintaining a strong social media presence (through both paid and organic activity) is key to driving brand awareness. 

2. 74% of consumers rely on their social networks to make purchasing decisions. (Source: Kinsta

Social media has a huge amount of influence on consumer decisions – through both paid advertising and organic recommendations. 

3. 30% of consumers now say that they’d make a purchase on major social platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat. (Source: Shopify)

Many shoppers are becoming increasingly comfortable with buying through different platforms – so it’s important for brands to be visible in multiple places. 

4. 56% of users that follow brands on social media do so to view products. (Source: Kinsta)

Your brand profile is an excellent place to showcase your products and services. 

5. The average e-commerce site’s Facebook community is growing by 8% each month. (Source: BigCommerce

Nurturing a Facebook community is a brilliant way to secure consistent sales and loyal customers. 

6. The average e-commerce site publishes 4.55 posts a week on their Facebook page. (Source: BigCommerce

Staying active is crucial to running a successful Facebook page – be sure to engage with followers and regularly post compelling content. 

7. 85% of orders from social media sites come from Facebook. (Source: Shopify)

Facebook is an absolute e-commerce powerhouse. Be sure to regularly utilise the platform in your marketing strategies. 

8. Facebook posts with photos get 53% more Likes, 104% more comments, and 84% higher click-through rates. (Source: Neil Patel

Users are often flying through their Facebook feed at lightning speed. Striking photos and visuals are an excellent way to capture attention and engagement. 

9. Posts with 80 characters or less get 66% more engagement. (Source: Neil Patel

Sometimes, less is more on Facebook. Avoid chunky blocks of text and focus on short, snappy post copy to drive engagement. 

10. 60% of Instagram users say that they’ve learnt about a product or service on the platform. (Source: Locowise

Social media users are receptive to relevant advertising, and are often open to discovering new products through these platforms.

11. 75% of Instagram users have taken an action, such as visiting a website, after looking at an Instagram advertising post. (Source: Locowise

Effective Instagram ads don’t just grab attention – they can also drive direct actions, particularly if you utilise a strong CTA. 

12. The average order value for customers referred from Instagram is $65.00, followed by Facebook ($55), Twitter ($46), and YouTube ($38). (Source: Shopify

Although you may find that some platforms deliver more profitable users, it’s important to diversify your campaigns to maximise reach. 

13. Weekly conversions on Pinterest grew by 300% last year. (Source: Hootsuite

Pinterest is designed as a visual discovery engine, but it doesn’t just deliver inspiration. It can also deliver bundles of efficient conversions. 

14. 92% of Pinterest advertisers rank the platform first for reputation. (Source: Hootsuite

Pinterest has an excellent reputation among users. Advertisers can capitalise on this credibility by marketing in a trusted environment. 

15. 49% of brands plan to invest more in social commerce in 2022. (Source: Shopify

Many social platforms now permit users to purchase products directly through their platforms. This can deliver exceptional results for e-commerce brands. 

16. 56% of users prefer shopping through social media as opposed to traditional e-commerce due to the convenience. (Source: SocialMediaToday)

The ability to drive conversions within social platforms is hugely powerful. Social commerce should form an integral part of e-commerce marketing plans. 

17.  85% of marketers ranked short-form videos as the most effective type of social media content in 2021. (Source: Hubspot

Quick and punchy video content is a great way to engage users with short attention spans. Just be sure to include clear branding in any video assets. 

18. 64% of marketers plan to invest more in short-form video in 2022. (Source: Hubspot

When you’re planning creative asset production, be sure to include short-form videos for any paid social marketing. 

19. 82% of marketers repurpose content across various social media channels. (Source: Hubspot

If you have long-form video assets produced, cutting them down into shorter clips and distributing them through paid social can be very effective. 

20. Facebook had 1.93 billion daily active users in Q3 2021. (Source: Statista

Facebook is a colossus in the world of social media. Enormous scale, combined with advanced targeting, offers you a great opportunity to find new customers. 

21. Video ads perform better than other ad formats on Facebook. (Source: DataBox

Many Facebook users are open to viewing video content on the platform, particularly if it’s short-form. 

22. 93% of Twitter community members are open to brands getting involved in conversation, such as providing help and support. (Source: Twitter

The Twitter platform is the ideal place for brands to get involved with organic user conversations and trending topics. Don’t hesitate to start engaging with customers!

1. The biggest reason that B2B e-commerce marketers see success in their email campaigns is because they provide compelling content for each stage of the customer journey. (Source: SlideShare)

The majority of inboxes are absolutely packed with clutter and mundane marketing emails. Focus on relevant, high-quality content to set yourself apart. 

2. 49% of US consumers said that they would like to receive promotional emails from their favourite brands on a weekly basis. (Source: Statista

Customers like to hear from their preferred brands. Regular communication is key to driving consistent sales and nurturing customer relationships. 

3. 61% of US consumers prefer to be contacted by brands via email. (Source: Statista

Many shoppers are receptive to email marketing and communications. Use this opportunity to promote discounts, showcase products and share information. 

4. Emails with personalised subject lines generate 50% higher open rates. (Source: Oberlo

A personal touch can make a big difference to your email marketing performance. Try to personalise your templates as much as possible!

5. Marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue. (Source: Hubspot

Strategically segmenting email audiences (e.g. separating frequent buyers from disengaged customers) allows brands to deliver more relevant messaging – which increases revenue.

6. The average open rate for a welcome email is 82%. (Source: Oberlo

Welcome emails are an excellent chance to make a strong first impression. You can quickly turn first-time buyers into long-term customers. 

7. Transactional emails get 8x more opens and clicks than any other type of email campaign and make 6x the money. (Source: Experian

Transactional emails can be hugely effective if customers are targeted with the right products and relevant messaging. 

8. Transactional emails that include cross-sell items have 20 percent higher transaction rates than those without. (Source: Experian

If a customer has already completed a purchase, you can use this data to showcase other relevant products to them. This is a surefire way to secure incremental sales. 

9. Email delivers as much traffic as all social channels combined and ranks third behind search and direct traffic for revenue generation. (Source: Wolfgang Digital

Although paid social channels can drive enormous amounts of traffic, don’t underestimate the power of email marketing! 

10. 60% of consumers say they’ve made a purchase as the result of an email marketing message they received. (Source: OptinMonster)

Consumers are often willing to make purchases based on email communications, particularly if the emails are coming from a trusted brand with relevant messaging. 

11. 44% of users check their email for a deal from a company they know. (Source: OptinMonster)

Once a user has purchased from your business, you can build on this relationship. These shoppers are likely to be receptive to discounts and offers, so take advantage of this.

12. Abandoned cart emails have an average open rate of 45%. (Source: Moosend

Don’t lose hope if a prospect has abandoned their cart. Tactical abandoned cart emails can help you to recover lost revenue and push valuable conversions over the line. 

Not using abandoned cart for your store?

We can help. Start recovering lost revenue with Content Labs now. 

13. B2C marketers implementing automated email flows see an average 50% increase in their conversion rates. (Source: Moosend)

Automated email flows allow you to target specific users with tailored messaging and boost incremental sales – all without lifting a finger. 

14. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42. (Source: Oberlo

Email marketing can deliver an exceptional ROI for marketers, particularly if audiences are segmented properly and automated email flows are utilised. 

15. 81% of SMBs rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel, and 80% for retention. (Source: Oberlo

Email marketing is hugely versatile. Different tactics can be used to acquire brand new customers and increase the lifetime value of existing shoppers. 

16. In 2022, 333.2 billion emails are expected to be sent and received each day. (Source: Oberlo

Your customers will undoubtedly be grappling with cluttered inboxes. That’s why your email content (including your subject line) needs to grab their attention.

17. There are 4 billion daily email users. This number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025. (Source: Statista

Email isn’t dead. The audience accessible through email marketing is absolutely huge. Combining massive reach with strategic segmentation is a recipe for success. 
18. Nearly 1 in 5 email campaigns are not optimised for mobile devices. (Source: Hubspot)

Many modern users access their emails via a mobile device. Make sure that any email templates are designed and optimised accordingly. 

19. Globally, Fridays see the highest email open rates (nearly 19%), compared to the lowest open rates (17%) on Saturdays. (Source: Hubspot

Track your open rates to identify the optimal times for email delivery. Quality email content is no good if your customers aren’t opening it!

20. 35% of marketers send their customers 3-5 emails per week. (Source: Hubspot

Although businesses need to avoid spamming their subscribers, it’s also important to keep your brand top-of-mind with regular communications. 

21. Brands that always include an A/B test in their emails generate an ROI of 48:1. (Source: Litmus

Regularly A/B testing is crucial to identifying the best performing aspects of your emails. Be sure to consistently test new subject lines, CTAs, and different types of email content. 

22. 66% of marketers believe artificial intelligence is a good way to optimise email send times. (Source: Statista

If you’re trying to figure out the best time to launch a new email campaign, artificial intelligence can provide you with valuable insights based on real user data. 

Checkout Statistics

1. Credit cards are the preferred global method of payment, being used in 53% of transactions, followed by digital payment systems at 43% and debit cards at 38% (Source: Kinsta

Checkout convenience is key. Allowing customers to use multiple forms of payment is a good way to secure frictionless conversions. 

2. The average e-commerce site has 39 potential areas for checkout improvements. (Source: Fundera

It’s important to review your checkout process to identify areas for improvement. The smallest inconvenience can cause an abandoned cart, so be thorough. 

3. Exit-Intent popups have helped recover 53% of abandoning visitors. (Source: OptinMonster

Pop-ups are the definition of ‘simple but effective’ – use them to keep customers on-site with discounts, promotions and reminder messages. 

4. 46.5% of small to mid-sized businesses say that offering free shipping increases their profits. (Source: MultiChannelMerchant

Free shipping is a great incentive that can help you to secure more conversions. 

5. E-commerce sites can gain a 35% increase in conversion rates with an optimised checkout design. (Source: Baymard Institute

Standard checkout formats aren’t as effective as you might like them to be. Frequently monitor checkout performance to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Heatmap tools can be a smart way to identify obstacles and weaknesses.

6. If you require account creation during the checkout process, 24% of people will abandon carts immediately. (Source: Baymard Institute

Try and keep your checkout process as streamlined as possible. Remove obstacles to ensure that users can convert easily. 

7. 39% of mobile users have abandoned checkout because of difficulty entering their personal information. (Source: SleekNote)

Test every element of your checkout to make sure that it’s easy to complete. Be sure that features like forms are quick and simple to fill out. 

8. The product with the highest abandonment rate is clothing (40%), followed by tech (18%), and home products (16%). (Source: OptinMonster)

If you identify some products that are being abandoned more frequently, you can always include an added incentive to drive conversions – for example, pop-up discounts. 

9. 55% of online shoppers abandon their cart because extra costs were too high. (Source: Fundera

Extra costs (e.g. shipping, transaction fees) can quickly damage your conversion rates. Remove these whenever possible! 

10. The ideal checkout flow has 12-14 form elements. (Source: Fundera

Keep your checkout flow simple. Users are keen to purchase their product as quickly as possible, so make sure that the process feels easy. 

11. 9% of users abandon their cart due to a lack of payment methods. (Source: Baymard Institute

Accommodate multiple forms of payment (e.g. digital payments, credit cards, debit cards) to keep customers happy.

12. E-commerce brands lose $18n in sales each year because of cart abandonment. (Source: SleekNote)

Cart abandonment can easily lead to lost revenue. That’s why automated email flows are vital to bring shoppers back and complete unfinished purchases. 

13. 57% of shoppers will abandon their cart if they have to wait 3 seconds for a page to load. (Source: SleekNote)

Make sure that everything is running smoothly on your website from a technical perspective. Online shoppers aren’t always patient, so loading times need to be minimal. 

14. 46% of shoppers will abandon checkout if a discount code doesn’t work. (Source: SleekNote)

Discount codes are a brilliant way to encourage conversions and bring back hesitant buyers. Just make sure that your codes are working to avoid headaches at checkout. 

15. The average cart abandonment rate across all industries is 69.89%. (Source: Baymard Institute

Cart abandonment is painful for e-commerce stores, but it’s definitely not uncommon. Utilise cart abandonment emails to recover some of this lost revenue. 

Not using abandoned cart for your store?

We can help. Start recovering lost revenue with Content Labs now. 

16. 54% of shoppers will purchase products left in shopping carts, if those products are offered at a lower price. (Source: Neil Patel

A quick follow-up promotion or discount can make the difference between an abandoned cart and a new customer.

Product Page Statistics

1. 74% of people are likely to switch brands if they find the website purchasing process too cumbersome. (Source: Kinsta)

Make sure that your website is organised and easy to navigate – particularly at checkout. Shoppers won’t hesitate to find alternative brands. 

2. 57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile. (Source: Sweor

An ugly or inefficient website is unlikely to encourage shopper recommendations. Good website design is always a worthwhile investment. 

3. 50% of consumers believe that brands should prioritise web design. (Source: Elementor

Consumers pay close attention to the style and functionality of your website. Don’t hesitate to enlist the help of a professional designer. 

4. E-commerce popups for collecting email addresses convert almost 5% of visitors into subscribers. (Source: SleekNote)

Pop-ups may have acquired a bad reputation at one point, but these features are incredibly effective at capturing email data. 

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5. 77% of agencies believe that a bad website User Experience is a weakness for their clients. (Source: Sweor

Even if you’re offering high-quality products, poorly designed website pages can immediately deter prospects. 

6. 80% of marketers use websites in their marketing strategies. (Source: Elementor

Your website isn’t just a functional space. It can host insightful content, steer users in the right direction, and keep shoppers interested. 

7. Email popups convert better on mobile (5.8%) than they do on desktop (3.11%). (Source: SleekNote)

Make sure that your email pop-ups are optimised for mobile devices to collect that all-important email data.

8. 46% of consumers base their decisions on the credibility of websites on their visual appeal and aesthetics. (Source: Sweor

A website with a sleek design instantly builds trust and credibility with prospects. And a website with a bad design? You can guess the rest. 

9. 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout are unattractive. (Source: Sweor

You should constantly test your website to ensure that the user journey is seamless. Just one inefficient click or confusing page can send users running in the other direction. 

10. 70% of small business websites lack a Call to Action (CTA) on their homepage. (Source: Sweor

CTAs are absolutely vital to an effective website. Keep users heading in the right direction along the customer journey with clear and compelling CTAs.

11. 88.5% of web designers believe that the top reason visitors leave a website is that it loads too slowly. (Source: Elementor

Ensure that your website is functioning properly so that slow loading times don’t cost you conversions. 

12. 85% of adults think that a company’s website when viewed on a mobile device should be as good or better than its desktop website. (Source: Sweor

Mobile devices are a part of everyday life for your customers – every aspect of your website should be fully optimised for mobile browsing. 

13. 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience. (Source: Sweor

A poorly designed website won’t just cost you a single purchase. It can also prevent customers from ever returning – which definitely isn’t ideal. 

14. 23% of small retailers don’t have a website in 2022. (Source: Elementor

If you’re a small business, a website is a must-have. Although you can sell products elsewhere, a website acts as a base for your brand and can serve different functions. 

15. Only 17% of marketers use landing page A/B tests to improve conversion rates. (Source: Hubspot

You can only improve your website efficiency by A/B testing. Try different variations of headlines, CTAs and buttons to figure out what drives the most conversions.

General Marketing Statistics 

1. 59% of Millennials will visit Amazon first when shopping online (Source: Inviqa)

Although you can sell products on Amazon, it’s also important to generate and retain your own website traffic.

2. 89% of customers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience (Source: Salesforce

Investing in good customer service is crucial to driving repeat business. Ensure that every user leaves your website with a positive impression. 

3. More than 60% of customers say that they prefer digital self-serve tools, such as websites, apps, or chatbots to answer their simple inquiries. (Source: Kinsta)

Enabling customers to easily find answers to their questions is a major plus. Set up self-service features (e.g. chatbots) to make life easier for buyers.

4. Approximately 40% of people of all ages prefer to use chatbots when shopping online. (Source: SmallBizGenius

Chatbots are commonplace for e-commerce stores nowadays. Not only can they help with customer service, but they can also be used for effective lead generation and email capture.

5. It’s estimated that 95% of all purchases will be made through e-commerce by 2040 (Source: Nasdaq

The e-commerce landscape is rapidly expanding. It’s vital for marketers to stay up-to-date with new advertising opportunities to stay relevant. 

6. 85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. (Source: Wyzowl

Video is a highly versatile and adaptable marketing tool. These assets can be utilised across a wide range of different platforms, often delivering strong returns. 

7. 87% of marketers say video has helped them increase traffic. (Source: Wyzowl

One major benefit of video advertising is the ability to quickly capture attention and nudge users towards your website with a clear CTA.

8. 81% of marketers say video has helped them directly increase sales. (Source: Wyzowl

Video isn’t just effective at increasing traffic. A compelling asset can showcase products and drive direct actions from prospects. 

9. 61% of online retail traffic comes from mobile devices. (Source: SleekNote)

Make sure that every aspect of your marketing, from websites to ad formats, is optimised for mobile devices.

10. 68% of online shoppers search a product on Google before purchasing. (Source: SleekNote)

Visibility on Google (through paid search and SEO) is critical to increasing website traffic and sales. 

11. 6,000,000 people are shopping online every minute. (Source: Statista

The world of e-commerce is absolutely vast, and utilising the right targeting tactics is vital to reaching warm prospects. 
12. 87% of customers want a personalised shopping experience. (Source: KiboCommerce)

Personalisation can make a big difference to conversion rates. This can be achieved through dynamic ads, tailored email subject lines, and more.

13. 80% of brands believe they provide a superior customer experience while only 8% of customers agree. (Source: Accenture

Encouraging customer feedback through forms or emails is a brilliant way to collect valuable insights that can shape your business. 

14. 68% of consumers say it’s more difficult for brands to hold onto their loyalty than ever before. (Source: Elementor

Customers have a plethora of e-commerce brands to choose from nowadays. Retention strategies (e.g. email flows, reward schemes) are more important than ever. 

15. 69% of marketers invested in SEO in 2021. (Source: Hubspot

A solid SEO strategy is hugely important for businesses looking to increase organic traffic and boost visibility. 

16. 71% of marketers say using strategic keywords was their number one strategy for SEO. (Source: Hubspot

Identifying relevant and effective keywords for your business is fundamental to successful SEO. Several online tools can help you to gather these keyword insights. 

17. 43% of marketers say that the biggest challenge with visual content is producing it consistently. (Source: VisitorQueue

If you’re struggling to create effective visual content or creative assets, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional designer. 

18. Digital marketing teams that document their strategy are over 300% more likely to succeed than those who do not. (Source: Hubspot

A clear marketing strategy can make a significant impact on business performance. Everything from audiences to reporting should be nailed down before a campaign starts.

19. Video content is 50x more likely to drive organic traffic than plain text. (Source: Omnicore

Video content is proven to be highly engaging for users across multiple platforms. Test multiple video assets to understand what’s working for your brand. 

20. Over 70% of worldwide online traffic comes from Google. (Source: NetMarketShare

Establishing a brand presence on Google (through paid search and SEO) is a no-brainer for any advertiser. 

21. The first 5 results on the first page of a Google search result accounts for over 60% of all clicks. (Source: ZeroLimitWeb

Those all-important top positions on Google are a battleground for advertisers. Invest time into effective paid search and SEO strategies to secure pole position.

22. Fewer than 1% of Google searchers will navigate to the second page. (Source: BackLinko

If you’re struggling to improve organic visibility around Google searches, consider working with an SEO professional to enhance your performance. The results are worth it.

Hopefully you’ve got all of those statistics memorised now?

(Just kidding.)

You can always refer back to this list if you need some insights to help steer your marketing strategy in the right direction. 

Plus, if you’re ever in need of some sterling copywriting to skyrocket your campaign performance, just get in touch with the team at Content Labs

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