They say that effective copywriting is a balance of art and science.

And that’s partly true.

Creative flair can make the difference between good and great copy. 

But there’s also a lot to be learned from tried & tested scientific methods for writing great headlines that are proven to win over search engines, generate interest and drive web traffic.

If you’re trying to write headlines that capture attention and drive clicks, it’s a great idea to gather a few successful examples and soak up the wisdom. 

And we’ve decided to do the heavy lifting for you. 

Below are 25 winning headline formulas that have passed the test and have delivered more traffic and more results for real-life businesses. We’ve even sorted them into 5 convenient categories.

All you need to do is read through, take notes, and then get cracking on your own click-boosting blog post and landing page headlines for your online business. 

The curiosity gap headline

Top of the list, the ‘curiosity gap’ is a great headline that’s all about stirring up the fear and intrigue of the unknown.

You’re hinting at something important or urgent that your reader isn’t currently aware of. 

This could be a new product that will change their everyday life or a costly business mistake they might unknowingly be making. 

Think about common pain points or concerns for your target audience, and write headlines around these. 

Remember – you need to offer a solution to these issues, or at least some clarity. If you want to write effective headlines that will appeal to both search engines and readers, you need a hook like this.

Examples of this formula: 

1. 5 clear warning signs that {blank}

As humans, we’re conditioned to react to the phrase ‘warning signs’. 

We like to stay ahead of the curve, and the word ‘warning signs’ suggests that something troublesome could be on the horizon. 

However, it also suggests that by taking action (e.g. reading content, buying a product, etc) that trouble can be avoided. And that’s a powerful incentive for a click. 

Headline examples include:

  • 5 clear warning signs that you’re vulnerable to hacking 
  • 5 clear warning signs that your PPC ads aren’t working
  • 5 clear warning signs that you’re not sleeping enough 

2. 9 things that {group/company} won’t tell you

The fear of someone (or something) keeping secrets from us can be a very effective motivator. 

This blog post headline suggests that your audience is being kept in the dark about something. And you’re about to shed some much-needed light on the subject. 

It’s a smart formula because it creates an immediate curiosity gap while also positioning your business as an expert.

Focus on a subject that your audience will be instantly interested in. 

Headline examples include:

  • 9 things that your marketing agency won’t tell you
  • 9 things that the fashion industry won’t tell you
  • 9 things that your mobile provider won’t tell you 

3. The jaw-dropping truth about {blank}

These catchy headlines have an immediate ‘shock’ factor that will instantly capture the audience’s attention. 

It’s a simple formula, but one that’s extremely difficult to ignore. 

There’s something incredibly intriguing about a ‘revealed’ truth, and knowing that we’re just a click away from the answer is hard to resist. 

The possibilities are almost endless, and the conclusion all depends on what your audience is interested in.

Plus, this formula can take you in a lot of different directions. You might be highlighting something negative, but you could also employ some clever reverse psychology to discuss some ‘shocking’ product benefits. 

Headline examples include:

  • The jaw-dropping truth about gym supplements 
  • The jaw-dropping truth about cyber security
  • The jaw-dropping truth about online shopping 

4. How safe is your {blank} from {threat}? 

When writing headlines, sometimes a direct approach is the best way to grab attention and secure a click. 

Although sometimes a vague headline can stir up curiosity, this formula is all about a no-nonsense message to your target audience.

The question instantly implies that your readers could be in danger. It also suggests that you have some valuable knowledge on the issue, and may be able to provide some protection.

Headline examples include:

  • How safe is your e-commerce business from fraud?
  • How safe is your website from cyber-attacks?
  • How safe is your home from theft? 

5. Did you know this surprising fact about {blank}? 

While the power of the previous headline comes from its directness, this formula is effective because it’s so open-ended. 

(A helpful reminder that there isn’t one single solution for every headline!) 

This headline poses a broad question that casts a wide net among your target audience. 

These blog post titles are short and sweet, but that’s precisely what makes it so intriguing. You have a piece of knowledge that you’re willing to share with the reader – all they need to do is click. 

Headline examples include:

  • Did you know this surprising fact about renewing car insurance? 
  • Did you know this surprising fact about e-commerce marketing?
  • Did you know this surprising fact about buying a new phone? 

These headlines need to be relevant to your target audience, but they should also leave enough to the imagination to drive a click. It’s all about focusing on the right pain point. 

The power of this formula lies in what isn’t mentioned in the headline.

What is the potential danger that’s facing your target audience? Is there a giant obstacle waiting around the corner to disrupt their plans?

Below are some examples of ‘curiosity gap’ headlines in action:

(Source: LeadPages)

(Source: LeadPages)

The classic ‘how to’ headline

Ah, the ever-reliable ‘how to’ headline. You won’t go far wrong with this classic formula. 

These great headlines position your brand as a trusted industry authority, building credibility with your audience while also increasing clicks. 

The ‘how to’ headline is fairly self-explanatory. But that doesn’t mean it’s not effective.

This formula can be tailored to an infinite number of industries and products, so you just need to find a common issue for your customers and provide them with a simple solution.

Examples of this formula: 

1. How to stop {common issue} 

This is a classic example of a ‘how to’ headline, focused primarily on resolving a common problem for your target audience.

Having a solid understanding of customer headaches is crucial. Perhaps it’s a frequent issue within your market or an ongoing problem that users are having with a specific product. 

It could be anything. The important thing is that you have the knowledge to resolve it. 

Headline examples include:

  • How to stop wasting your paid social budget 
  • How to stop users abandoning their cart 
  • How to stop customers ignoring your emails

2. How to {blank} without {common issue}

This formula has two key elements involved. 

You’re highlighting a goal that your target audience would like to achieve, but you’re also identifying a common obstacle that could be holding them back.

If you have a thorough understanding of your audience’s motivations and obstacles, this headline can work wonders for your click-through rate. 

Headline examples include:

  • How to write incredibly effective copy without sounding cliche 
  • How to look ultra-stylish without overpaying for clothes 
  • How to retain loyal customers without complicated email sequences 

3. How to get {blank} in just 3 simple steps 

This formula is all about the prospect of achieving something difficult with a simple plan. 

You identify a common goal that’s likely to appeal to the majority of customers. 

This could be something small, or something highly ambitious – whatever is most relevant to your business. You then offer a simple pathway to completing this objective.

If you select the right goal to work towards, this headline will be difficult to resist.

Headline examples include:

  • How to get in phenomenal shape in just 3 simple steps  
  • How to reduce acquisition costs in just 3 simple steps 
  • How to improve conversion rates in just 3 simple steps 

4. How to {blank} while also {blank} 

This formula offers a positive outcome without a compromise involved. 

Many headlines guarantee to achieve, change or provide something for your audience. 

But most of us are naturally a little bit cynical. 

We’re always wondering what the catch might be. What’s the downside of this promise? 

With this headline, you can pre-empt these questions and alleviate any worries, which is a great way to boost authenticity and increase clicks. 

Headline examples include:

  • How to lose weight while also eating gourmet meals 
  • How to increase sales while also lowering ad costs 
  • How to enjoy fine dining while also saving money 

5. How to turn {blank} into {blank} 

The opportunity to flip a negative into a positive is a strong incentive for a click.

Most of your target audience will be trying to get from ‘A’ to ‘B’ in some way or another. They might be looking to improve their lifestyle or enhance an area of their business.

This formula shows how your products or services will help customers to transition from a bad situation to an overwhelmingly positive one. 

Headline examples include:

  • How to turn boring ad copy into click-driving gold 
  • How to turn a bland website into a bonafide conversion magnet 
  • How to turn plain everyday meals into culinary feasts 

The core of a ‘how to’ headline is practical advice. 

You’re offering simple instructions or easy steps that will help your audience to overcome common obstacles.

As long as your content follows up with valuable information, these headlines will consistently capture attention and drive bundles of clicks. 

Below are some examples of ‘how to’ headlines in action:

(Source: AdEspresso)

(Source: ContentSnare)

The bite-sized content headline

So, you’ve created some genuinely informative and engaging list content for your audience. 

It’s packed with useful statistics and industry expertise.

But there’s one problem. 

A bland headline is preventing people from reading it.

That’s where a ‘bite-sized content’ headline comes in. This formula is a surefire way to arouse interest and secure clicks by sharing an irresistible teaser of your list.

Think of this headline like a movie trailer. You’re sharing just enough to guarantee that your audience is intrigued, but not too much to spoil the punchline. 

Examples of this formula: 

1. 10 simple ways to {achieve goal}

This is a classic list content headline. You’ve probably seen it a million times.

But there’s a reason that this formula is so popular.

You’re offering a variety of different solutions within a single blog post. Now, your target audience might not believe that every solution will work for them. But they’re confident that one will. 

As a result, this headline is best applied to a more general issue or challenge. 

If you’re too specific, your audience is probably seeking one answer to solve their problem, so 10 options won’t look helpful. 

But if you find the perfect balance, your audience will inevitably click to try and find a solution.

Headline examples include:

  • 10 simple ways to improve your website conversion rate
  • 10 simple ways to rapidly enhance your copywriting 
  • 10 simple ways to save serious money on groceries 

2. 5 jaw-dropping reasons why you’re not {blank}

This headline focuses on revealing something that your audience is missing out on. 

It’s best to find a super common issue for your customers that they’re struggling to resolve. 

They might not even realise that this is an issue they’re dealing with, but it’s a missed opportunity that you’re highlighting for them. 

The ‘jaw-dropping’ element suggests that these reasons are surprising. Your audience isn’t likely to be aware of them – which makes them infinitely more intriguing and click-worthy. 

Headline examples include:

  • 5 jaw-dropping reasons why you’re not converting site visitors
  • 5 jaw-dropping reasons why you’re not seeing more PPC clicks
  • 5 jaw-dropping reasons why you’re not retaining customers 

3. 50 proven methods for {achieving goal} 

The internet is a glorious place for finding information about any subject. The amount of resources available to your target audience is vast.

But sometimes it’s a little too vast.

By pulling together one giant list of handy links, facts and statistics, you create a valuable compendium for your audience. Everything they need is in one place. 

This headline doesn’t just offer information. It also offers convenience.

And that’s a strong motivator for a click. 

Headline examples include:

  • 50 proven methods for improving your creative production 
  • 50 proven methods for delivering superior pitch presentations 
  • 50 proven methods for significantly improving SEO 

4. The 8 things that {audience} love to hear

Communication is a major part of our everyday lives.

Regardless of your job, you’re probably speaking to multiple people on a daily basis. 

It could be within a professional or a personal environment. Whatever the case, you need to communicate effectively. 

You might need to encourage a sale, close a deal, or even just maintain a friendly relationship. 

This headline acknowledges a particular audience that your customers are looking to engage or persuade and offers the fuel they need for successful communication. 

Headline examples include:

  • The 8 things that your senior managers love to hear
  • The 8 things that your LinkedIn audience love to hear
  • The 8 things that your sales team love to hear 

5. 7 killer strategies that {successful person/group} uses to {blank}

We all have our role models in the world of business. 

Whether it’s a brand or an individual, we often look for inspiration among those who have already achieved their goals. This headline formula taps into this idea by allowing your target audience to emulate successful people and unlock their secrets. 

Who doesn’t want to imitate their favourite entrepreneurs or CEOs?

Headline examples include:

  • 7 killer strategies that Amazon uses to dominate the market 
  • 7 killer strategies that six-figure e-commerce brands use to succeed 
  • 7 killer strategies that professional copywriters use to stand out 

List content can be extremely engaging and helpful for your target audience. Above all else, it’s a super convenient format for sharing information. 

All of the relevant facts and figures are collected in a single place.

Your bite-sized content headlines offer a tempting snippet of these insights, packaged up in a handy blog post. If you can reveal just enough to hook your audience, the clicks will start flooding in. 

Below are some examples of ‘bite-sized content’ blog headlines in action:

(Source: Flypchart

(Source: SwiftSalary)

The FOMO headline

FOMO. The dreaded Fear Of Missing Out. 

We’ve all experienced it before. That creeping, nagging feeling that you’re missing something special. 

It could be a social event, it could be revenue, it could be a networking opportunity. 

The bottom line is that we never want to feel like we’re being excluded.

FOMO headlines capitalise on this and hint that your target audience may be missing something important. 

Luckily for them, you’re offering the chance to get involved and recover a lost opportunity.

The key is to pick something that you know your audience will be desperate not to miss out on. Get this right, and the clicks will start piling up. 

Examples of this formula: 

1. Your competitors are using {blank} – are you? 

We hate feeling like we’re a step behind our closest competitors.

It’s just human nature. 

Do they have a secret weapon that we’re missing? Are they secretly achieving superior results? How can we level the playing field?

Your target audience wants to stay ahead of the curve.

This formula highlights the fact that your potential customers could be missing out and suggests that key competitors are already taking advantage of a big opportunity.

Headline examples include:

  • Your competitors are using Pinterest Shopping ads – are you?
  • Your competitors are using customer welcome emails – are you?
  • Your competitors are using Google Analytics – are you?

2. 90% of {group} struggle to {achieve outcome} – are you one of them?

Everybody likes to feel proficient in their job. 

But we can’t help but compare ourselves to our peers and our competitors. 

In other words, we’re a little bit nosey. There’s no judgement here. 

If you have some research-fuelled content that has identified a certain trend in the market, this formula is a brilliant way to drum up interest and drive clicks. 

Anyone in the 90% will be keen to discover opportunities for improvement. What are the other 10% doing that makes them so successful?!

Headline examples include:

  • 90% of freelancers struggle to organise their deadlines – are you one of them?
  • 90% of e-commerce brands struggle to scale up – are you one of them?
  • 90% of copywriters struggle to find inspiration – are you one of them? 

3. Are you making the most of {blank}? 

This is a brilliantly simple FOMO formula.

It’s a clear question that implies your target audience could be doing something better.

Maybe they’re already using a certain platform, but they’re not getting optimal results from it. Or maybe they’re missing an entirely new opportunity altogether. 

Your content will provide them with the guidance they need to achieve superior outcomes. All they need to do is click. 

Headline examples include:

  • Are you making the most of your checkout page?
  • Are you making the most of Google Ads?
  • Are you making the most of your customer emails? 

4. Could you be {achieving a positive outcome} with {blank}? 

Here’s a FOMO formula that focuses on more specific outcomes for your target audience. 

The key is to nail a goal or an objective that your customers will be incredibly keen to achieve. The more specific and relevant the output, the more compelling the headline.

Once they’re hooked with this potential outcome, they’ll be intrigued to know about the tool or platform that can help them. From there, a click on the content is a no-brainer. 

Headline examples include:

  • Could you be delivering more online sales with Snapchat ads?
  • Could you be increasing your monthly profits with email sequences?
  • Could you be generating more income with a marketing agency?  

5. {group} are seeing incredible results with {blank} right now. 

Nobody likes to miss out on the latest trend or industry secrets.

Plenty of new platforms, tools and features are constantly emerging in every market. 

Sometimes these innovations are short-lived, and sometimes they become a permanent fixture. But your target audience won’t want to risk falling behind the competition.

If you’re producing content around new formats, technologies or opportunities, this formula can work wonders for your traffic. 

There’s also a strong sense of urgency that massively increases the likelihood of a click. If your target audience doesn’t want to miss out, they need to act now to keep up! 

Headline examples include:

  • E-commerce brands are seeing incredible results with Snapchat Story ads right now.
  • Digital marketers are seeing incredible results with Mailchimp right now.
  • Freelancers are seeing incredible results with LinkedIn Dynamic ads right now.

Effective FOMO headlines are all about dangling the most appealing carrot in front of your target audiences. 

You can reference a specific tool, or even use discounts and ‘limited time’ offers to increase urgency.

It needs to be something that your audience is incredibly keen to avoid missing out on. A potential issue that keeps them up at night, or a platform that would give them a crucial competitive edge.

Your content then just needs to fill in the gaps, proving how your audience can take advantage of a new opportunity to enhance their lives. 

Below are some examples of ‘FOMO’ headlines in action:

(Source: OptinMonster)

(Source: OptinMonster

The command headline

If you want to drive action through your headlines, you need to deliver a message with some punch. There’s no time to waste when you have a limited number of characters. 

The command headline is all about encouraging an instant response.

Utilise strong ‘power’ words at the beginning of these headlines to make the result of a click abundantly clear. 

Examples of this formula: 

1. Crush your {blank} targets with {blank}

This is a solid example of a strong command headline. 

It’s short and sweet, with a direct message that leaves no room for confusion. Your target audience knows exactly what to expect once they click.

And who doesn’t want to crush their business goals? 

Headline examples include:

  • Crush your PPC targets with the help of a Google Ads expert 
  • Crush your CTR targets with automated email templates
  • Crush your conversion rate targets with a professional website designer

2. Upgrade your {blank} with the help of {blank}

Here’s a compelling headline that promises a tempting upgrade for your target audience.

We’re all constantly looking for opportunities to improve performance, particularly in the world of business. 

Quick and easy wins are a huge bonus for your customers. 

That’s what makes this formula difficult to ignore. A positive change is just a simple click away. 

Examples include:

  • Upgrade your website content with the help of an expert copywriter
  • Upgrade your Google ranking with the help of an SEO consultant 
  • Upgrade your customer service with the help of a custom-built chatbot 

3. Teach yourself to {blank} today

Many of us are constantly seeking out opportunities for self-improvement. 

The majority of your target audience will be looking to expand their skill set, particularly when it comes to their careers. That’s where this headline can work its magic. 

If you have some high-quality instructional content to share, this formula is a surefire way to boost clicks and drive traffic to your website. 

Headline examples include:

  • Teach yourself to run effective Twitter ads today
  • Teach yourself to optimise Facebook campaigns today 
  • Teach yourself to set up profitable Amazon listings today

4. Simplify your {blank} with these quick tips 

The promise of convenience is extremely appealing to audiences online.

If you can provide your customers with a way to streamline or simplify their everyday life, you’re in a great position to increase clicks. 

You just need to identify something that may be particularly monotonous or time-consuming for your audience. Offer solutions for these headaches, and you’ll be on the right track for some serious click volumes.

Headline examples include:

  • Simplify your annual tax returns with these quick tips 
  • Simplify your supply chain with these quick tips
  • Simplify your customer service process with these quick tips 

5. Transform {blank} into {blank} with these proven strategies 

This formula is all about fuelling a positive transition for your audience. 

Turning a weakness into a strength is a very compelling proposition for a click. Acknowledge a common shortcoming or problem, tease a positive solution, and you’ll have some headline gold dust on your hands. 

Headline examples include:

  • Transform ineffective social ads into conversion machines with these proven strategies
  • Transform abandoned carts into repeat business with these proven strategies 
  • Transform dry presentations into captivating stories with these proven strategies 

The secret to wildly successful command headlines is that all-important first word.

This is the first thing that your audience will read, so it needs to be authoritative enough to encourage immediate action. It should jump off the page and grab a reader’s attention. 

If your existing headlines aren’t getting the job done, you’ll often be able to re-order them to create a command headline. 

Just insert a powerful ‘action’ word at the start – you’ll be surprised at the difference it can make! 

Below are some attention grabbing headline examples that use the ‘command’ formula:

(Source: Usabilla

(Source: CXL)

There you have it – all of the ideas you need to write great headlines. Feel free to steal, tweak, repeat and adjust these headlines as much as you’d like. 

Honestly. Go nuts. 

That’s the beauty of these formulas.

Writing headlines like these are proven to work, and can easily be adapted to any business or service. 

Experiment with different variations until you create a certified click-driving masterpiece. 

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